Window Decals and Graphics

Storefront windows, campus skyways, and lobby glass are great opportunities to market your business and passions to the world.

Window Perfs & Prints

CoolVu can take any photograph, logo, or image file and convert it into a printable film to be applied on glass surfaces, enhancing the space around your business. Use perforated window graphics to promote your brand while maintaining visibility to the outside world.

Window & Wall Art

CoolVu can take any photograph, logo, or image file and convert it into a printable film to be applied on walls, floors, ceilings, or glass surfaces, enhancing the space around your home or business.

Professional Design & Digital Printing

CoolVu utilizes the highest quality substrates and printers available. Our in-house design services help you express your unique style taking your message to the next level.

Design, Print, Install 

CoolVu services are fully turnkey. Customizable to your unique style, take your message to the next level by leveraging the window and door glass at your property as a billboard for your services. 

  • Promote your brand story
  • Leverage windows & door glass for marketing 
  • Apply on a wide range of glass surfaces
  • Retail, commercial, and business use
  • Strong commercial warranty


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